Final study 2011
Architectural study:
A.Papamatthaiou &Associates – DIMEKO Company
Arsis Atchitects & Co
Bioclimatic study:
St. Tsalidis, I. Sarris
Landscaping study:
M. Vorreakou, St. Katsogianni
E/M study:
M. Papamatthaiou, Ch. Georgitsogiannakos
The area around Mauratza stream and the surrounding streets (Silimvrias and Dim.Berdeli) at Megara falls under the general reformation design of the wider area managed by Megara Municipality. In particular, the intervention area constitutes the lowest part of the old stream, not yet reformed, unlike the rest of the stream, which has been remodeled into a green area with low and high planting. It’s surface is 22.154m2 and it constitutes a main entrance to the Municipality.
The main synthetic and functional features of the intervention are:
- The highlighting of an internal main promenade route which transfers the pedestrian’s movement to the interior of the linear park,
- the creation of an area with bioclimatic canopies where the public market and other local exhibitions and activities (such as a book exhibition, a fete etc) can be held,
- the area of environmental education to increase awareness and sensitization,
- the ensuring of PRMs’ accessibility through the appropriate inclinations in the park’s routes,
- the selection of stabilized soil floor -water permeable- used as final flooring of the internal curved movement routes and the surrounding paths
- the redesign of all the surrounding streets and the allocation of parking spaces –a project that includes the pavements’ enlargement and the provision of low and high plantings.